Sunday, January 08, 2006

Or Die Trying

This tee shirt was the winning entry in the KC Corporate Challenge tee-shirt design contest, and was on their web page. If you are not from KC, the Corporate Challenge is an annual sporting event. It's kind of like the Olympics for businesses and teams and individual compete in a wide variety of sports. In case you can't read it, the front says, "If I'm not berathing, give my CPR." And, the back says, "Turn me over, I might still be alive."

The irony is, during the 5k event, someone had a massive heart attack at the start and died right there on the course. The finish of the race was also the starting line, so, as I came down the final stretch, I ran past him while they were desperately giving him chest compressions.

The tee-shirt posting remained on the Corporate Challenge web page for a few days after the incedent until I pointed it out to a race director. The irony of ironies would have been if he had been wearing one of these shirts. A few days later, the daughter wrote a nice memorial for the man, who was 71, and owned the meat distibuting company he was sponsoring. She described how he trained regularly, and was really looking forward to competing. He sounded like a very upbeat kind of guy.

In my mind, that would be the way that I would want to go, doing something I loved. It wouldn't be running, though, that would be my third choice. I think you know what my first choice would be. That's right, while fishing. While having sex would be a close second. Maybe, while having sex while fishing, hmmm. I can see it now, I'd be deep-sea fishing off the coast of Costa Rica and hook the world-record marlin. After fighting it for a couple of hours and getting it to the edge of the boat, it makes one last plunge and pulls me over the side. It'll make one last jump, and I'll be riding on it's back, smiling, and give one last wave to my friends on the boat and then plunge to the depths of the ocean.

Leave a post and tell me how you want to go out.

Today is a rest day, but, I'll probably go for a nice long bike ride this afternoon. I'm making my famous chili for my birthday party.


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