Monday, January 02, 2006


This was taken on a trip with Yolanda on the Island of Kaui. She just got married this fall. That makes 3 ex-girlfriends who have got married in the last couple of years. That makes me feel... Like, whew! I dodged some major bullets! Actually, they were all pretty cool chicks. I just wasn't ready.

Yesterday, Sunday the first, was a beautiful day! Record temp of 62 for New Years. I wanted to go to a New Year Day running party, but, I didn't get up until 9:45 and wasn't feeling too whoopy from the last night. I ran a very slow 6-miles to, and through Mt. Washington cemetery. A beautiful place.

Today, it was back to work after a week of vacation. I ran with my boss, Rod, the 31st St. route, downtown KC, which is hilly as hell. It's a 5.5-mile course.

At the beginning of the week , I try to plan my workouts for the rest of the week. And it helps to know what you want to accomplish. So, you need goals! Since this is the beginning of the new year, I'm going to establish my long term goals (for the year). I'm also going to establish intermediate goals (within 2-months). Once you have these, it's easy to layout your short-term goals for the week.

I'm laying out pretty aggressive goals this year:
1) Qualify for the Boston Marathon and set a PR doing it. That means that I have to run under 3:18. I wanted to do the Feb 19 race in Ft. Lauderdale, but, I probably will need another month to PR, so, I'll shoot for a March marathon instead. Maybe at Virginia Beach.

That will give me time to recover and start training for my second goal:
2) Win at least 1 medal in the Corporate Challenge. I've come pretty close, but, so far no cigar. Potential events are 5k, one-mile, 800-meters, bike race, and/or duathalon. These events run from mid-May to mid-June.

That's as far as I want to plan ahead for now. Now, for the intermediate goals. There is a cool half-marathon in Topeka on the Jan 21. If I can run under 1:30, I might win a master's trophy. I should be able to get at least an age-group medal.

The following week is the Ground Hog Run 10k. That's really too close to the half to expect too much, but, I'll see what I have.

Now, for my New Year's resolutions:
1) Drink less and less often
2) Lower my body fat to 10% or less by the end of the year. That's probably about 15 lbs. I'll post my daily weight as well
3) Keep my house clean(er)
4) Always be a gentleman
5) Always wear a condom (if given the chance)

Today's weight: 170.8


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