Sunday, January 01, 2006

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

That's one of my resolutions, to learn a new Spanish phrase every day. It's New year's Eve, mid-afternoon, I still hadn't got around to my daily workout. Somedays, you just don't feel it, and today was one of those days. What do you do on days like that? You feel the need to workout, but, the will is not there.

Well, I packed my gear and drug my butt to the car and headed to the Y. When I got there, the parking lot was empty. They were closed! I took that as a sign, today would be a rest day, which is probably for the best. Rest is an important element to the any training program.

At least it was a moral victory. I had fully intended to run an easy 4 and then lift some weights. Instead, I spent time with my nephew shooting baskets and playing keep-away with his crazy Boxer dog, Beaner.

Now, my attention turns to another problem. It's 6:30 and I don't have a date for New Year's Eve. I check for messages on my personal's accounts, but, no luck. It's doesn't look good.

Then, I hear a faint knock on my door. It's an old girlfriend of mine. She said that she had just been dumped. Now, I had an attractive date/designated driver for New Year's Eve. It's off to the Voodoo Lounge at Harrah's. GO TO THE VOODOO THAT YOU DO BEST!


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