Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

This is from a little booklet I have on running form. It's just a little intro, for now. We'll talk more about later later. Click on the pic to read it.

I took yesterday off. It was an unscheduled rest day, but, my hip was very, very sore. Unlike most people, who find it easy to skip workouts, I sometimes work through injuries, when I should be resting. I'm a workout junkie, and I have to have my fix. My hip was still painful, but it was a little better, so I did 30-minutes on a stationary cycle at lunch, and then another 20-minutes with weights after work.

For some people, it's a major project just to get a workout in. I have a friend, we'll just call her Shela, who was giving me a bunch of excuses why she didn't do a particular workout, and I came back with "Blah, blah, blah". She got really pissed off about that. We still joke about it when we talk about non-workouts.

Today, my highly-anticipated date for Friday night was struggling with how to fit in a workout. She's a single mom, and, I guess it can be a little hard sometimes. She sent me a funy e-mail that I'm going to share. Hope she doesn't get pissed. I seems I have a knack for that.

"Advantages of working out in a gym:

1. Climate controlled environment
2. Can run on track which is easier on feet
3. Don't have to wear a bunch of layers
4. Easier to track exact mileage
5. Can use weights after work out
6. Can sit in sauna/steamroom after workout
7. Don't worry about 2 year old terrorizing big brother and sister because he's in the nursery
8. (This is a big one....) Can take a shower AND shave legs without 2 little eyes peering at me and yelling for attention....
9. Of course, able to watch cute guys work out.

Advantages of running outside:

1. Can run further because it's not so boring
2. Scenery is better (with the exception of #9 above)
3. Better way to train for races
4. Less hassle as far as getting to/from - right outside my door
5. Can totally tuneout life and get lost in the run.... "


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