Saturday, June 24, 2006

Single - Never Married

marital status - Single, Never Married. That's the option I have listed in my yahoo personals ad. You can check it out by going to the Yahoo personals site and searching on keyword "notanordinaryman".

Sometime, when I tell someone on a date ( or e-mail ) they look at you like "What's wrong with you?" Sometimes, they will actually come out and say "What's wrong with you?" That's a hard one to answer. Is there something wrong with me? I guess I could just easily respond back to them "You've been married twice, what's wrong with you?!" I may have actually done that once or twice. I don't want the door slammed at the get go, so, I usually tell them something like, Oh, I've been close a couple of times, but, fate intervened, or the timing was just never right, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada yada.

Recently, I've given it some thought, why am I single, never married, at 46? It may be something hereditary because two other of my 7 siblings never married. And it wasn't because we are dogs either, I come from a family of attractive, intelligent people. I guess if you throw double marriages of 3 of my sibs, then we've all had our allotted one marriage.

So, is it hereditary, or is there something inherently wrong with me? Maybe it's environment (sounds like a scientific research ) I wasn't really exposed to a happy-couple family unit in my formative years. This wasn't really anybodies fault, my dad had a very debilitating disease, so he wasn't an presence in my life. But, he was for my other two, older, unmarried sibs. So..why?

I've read that love is associated with a chemical reaction in the brain. My I'm deficient in some hormone or something. I mean, I felt infatuation several times in my life, but, I don't really go goo-goo over anybody.

Maybe, I've just never met anybody worth going head-over-heels over. I do see myself being with the One, someday. My biggest fear is, not getting in a bad, tumultuous relationship, but, to get in a relationship that turns "lifeless." I'll talk on this subject more latter. I'd love to hear you thoughts on love and marriage. I have to start packing for my trip to Branson.

After 6-mile run a week ago Friday, my knee got stiff and showed some swelling. So I didn't workout at all for two days and just lifted on Monday. This was hard for me because I wanted to go on a long ride that weekend. Tuesday, I did some light mountain biking, but Wednesday, I hooked up with a group of very good mountain bikers. We hit some very difficult trails at Landahal Park and it was an excellent workout for upper body, legs, and from a technical skill stanpoint.

Thursday, I did 20-minutes of eliptical which might have aggrevated my knee. I'm icing it as I write. Friday, I had a good threashold workout on the stationary, after a 5-minute warm up I tried to maintain 21.0 mph for 10-minuetes, then 5-min of easy spinning, then another 10-min hard. It wore me out. Felt good. I need to get in some good quality workouts, the Xterra Duathalon is in two-weeks.

The pictures below were from the KCK Street Fest. There will be some more in the next week or so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philosophical or rationalization?

7:16 PM  
Blogger kcrunner said...


9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are worse things than being single. like being trapped in an unhappy relationship. or being with someone and still feeling alone.

great pics of the little girl totally captured her joy and freedom to just move to the music!

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your gay. It could be that simple. You're gay.

9:28 AM  

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