Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dan "The Man" Murphy

This is a running buddy of mine, Dan Murphy. He's going to South Carolina this weekend to run in the Myrtle Beach Marathon Sounds like a great place to run one. I checked out their website and they had reached their limit of 2,500 runners. That's mid-sized for a marathon. The picture to the left was taken a couple of years ago at the Freestate marathon in Austin. Dan had his PR there of 3:16. I know this, because he beat me by 1-minute there. Dan trains like an animal. He even had a 70-mile week leading up to this race, and regularly puts in 22-milers. He's 39 now, but will try to put up a time that will qualify him in the 40-yr old Boston bracket. I believe he'll need to run a 3:20 or 3:25 to do that. He's had some struggles lately. That happens when you're putting your body through the riggers of training for a marathon. Especially if you trying to qualify for the big one, Boston. Hopefully, he's had a good taper over the last couple of weeks and he's ready to lay it on the line.

Go get em Dan! We'll expect a full report when you get back. Dan's also a very competive triathalete. We'll get a more in depth inverview when he gets back.

I rested Sunday after the race. Monday, I rode the stationary bike for 3-minutes at lunch, and then lifted weights after work. Yesterday, I swam 30-minutes. I've already started to show some improvement. My first 50-meters were in 49-seconds which is 2-seconds faster than I've recorded yet. Also, my heart rate after each lap was down to 13-beats for 5-seconds. Last week, it was 14. So, I'm making progress.


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