Friday, January 27, 2006

Happiness is a Messy House

Yesterday, I ran a hard 6-miler with Tiffany (see Ultra Woman post) which finished up a steep 3/4-mile climb up the 12th St. Viaduct. Today, I ran 12-miles after I dropped my car off. Unfortunately, I was 15-miles from my house. I guess the run yesterday took a lot out of me, plus, I was running on virtually 0 carbs having eaten only a cheese omelet all day. Talk about hitting the wall. But, I walked it in the final 3-miles. Only because my mom wasn't home to answer the phone.

A lot of people use the excuse "I just don't have enough time to workout!" Well, I'm going to give you some golden advice that will set you free. I'm of the opinion that people waste far too much time cleaning. Take making the bed, for instance, assume it takes you 2-minutes each day. That's 15-minutes a week you could be working out! You're only going to mess it up again that night.

I make sure that I keep a good supply of dishes and silverware on hand. Instead of washing them every day I wait until my scheduled rest day each week. That's a time saving of at least 20-minutes a day. And think of all the time you spend writing bills each month. They are not going to cut your gas or electricity, or cable service if you miss a month or two. So, I pay them about every third month. You know it's time when you get the "final disconnect" notice.

Determined to bounce back from being rejected by the Black Widow, I went back out with Melissa, the poor, cute girl. We enjoyed a beetles tribute band and I even got a nice, 2nd date kiss, with even a little bit of tongue. It was pretty nice. Except, next time, I hope she skips the onions.

Weight: 169.6


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if you work full time, pay your bills every month, have a social life, make your bed every day, keep your dishes clean, and still find time to work out????

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will be calling you "chickless dave" soon.

11:45 AM  

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