Sunday, February 05, 2006

They are like Snowflakes

This was taken while hiking the trail on the Napali Coastline of the island of Kauai. The most beautiful place on earth.

Today was another day of swimming. This time I set a goal of 30-minutes, 5 more than yesterday. I was a little concerned at the start because my left lat was strained from yesterday's swim. I just started slowly and was conscious of it throughout the workout and it was fine. I completed the workout with energy to spare. I'll try to run again tomorrow.

I had two dates this weekend. One was with a new girl. We went to a smoky bar called The Roxy. A great local band called Charlie and the stingrays was playing. She was a pretty cool chick, fairly attractive, with a nice butt. We talked openly all night, danced a lot, and put down some beers. Generally had a pretty good time.

I've been on dates with several different women in last few months. I'm amazed at the variety out there. They are like snowflakes, no two are alike. There's the obvious physical variety, but it goes way beyond that. Their base personalities are so different from each other, their backgrounds, their passions. That's one of the fun things about this dating mode I'm in, it's fun and interesting. I do want to find my one and only someday, and I'll commit myself totally to her. But, till then...

My date last night was with the poor cute girl. We went to see Brokeback Mountain, which was a fantastic movie. I didn't get as grossed out by the man love'n as I thought it would. I kind of envied them. I would love to have that kind of passion in my life.

That was our 3rd date. I think she likes me, though we are very different. In one respect, I think she is very repressed. She's into Tai Kwan Do. It seems to have been very good to her. She has an excellent body, very lean and muscular. We ended our date with a very nice, passionate, extended kiss at her door. Just enough to keep my coming back for more.


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